RSBE² Projects

Current projects
  • Horizon Europe, REWRITE (2023-2028), Rewilding and restauration of intertidal sediment ecosystems for carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and biodiversity support
  • ANR SPECTROBS (2022-2026, Development of spectroscopic tools to assess the quality of marine environment)
  • ANR PPR RiOMar (2022-2028), Observing and anticipating the evolution of River-dominated ocean margins in the 21st century
  • FEAMPA Phenomer (2024-2027), Phénomènes d’eaux colorées dus aux proliférations de microalgues
  • Horizon Europe LandSeaLot (2024-2028), Let’s Observe Together!
Past Projects
  • H2020 TAPAS (2016 - 2020, Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability)
  • H2020 BioTIDE (2017 - 2020, The role of microbial biodiversity in the functioning of marine tidal flat sediments)
  • H2020 CoastObs (2017 - 2021, Commercial service platform for user-relevant coastal water monitoring services based on Earth observation)
  • ESA BiCOME (2021 - 2023, Biodiversity of the Coastal Ocean: Monitoring with Earth Observation)
  • H2020 ITN BEEP (2020-2023, Bio-inspired and bionic materials for enhanced photosynthesis) 
Horizon Europe     ANR ESA
Mis à jour le 18 décembre 2024.